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Worship & Music

Sunday Schedule

Worship 10:00 am

Adult Education 9:00 am

Worship Committee

The Worship Committee provides leadership for the worship life at LCI.  This group, which meets quarterly, is responsible for planning all aspects of the worship services including seasonal themes, music, and ligurgical action.  Our statement of purpose is, "To support the mission of LCI by working together to create meaningful Word and Sacrament experiences for our congregation to meet God."  Subcommittees have been formed to take care of coordinating all of worship elements from altar care, to flower placement, to the visual appearance of the sanctuary.  We are actively seeking members who would like to develop their understanding of the Lutheran worship service or to serve in various capacities during worship services.  The Worship committee and its various subcommittees are open to all LCI members who wish to contribute toward the worship life of our congregation.  If you desire to contribute in this fashion you will be welcomed!  If you have any questions or wish to participate, email committee chair, Karen Slabaugh at

Prayer Ministry

Join us as we share prayer at communion time; as we make ourselves available to those who worship with us. "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)


To be added or add someone to the prayer list, contact Marvie Paulson at

Liturgical Arts

The purpose of the Liturgical Arts and Environment subcommittee of the Liturgican Planners is to glorify God through the visual arts, by making seasonal changes that bring meaning to the Word and Sacrament.  For more info, contact Mary Stewart at

Music Ministry

The Choir provides the vast majority of the special music during worship.  We are beginning another fantastic year of music.  Participating in music at worship is a fun and meaningful way of sharing your musical gifts.


We are living at an exciting moment: a time filled with potential when we as members of Christ's body in Davis are being called upon to discern God's will for the future of this church.  These crossroads give us the opportunity and the challenge to re-evaluate our mission and our direction, and to refocus our collective vision.  The fire of the Spirit is burning brightly in the worship life of LCI.  As we move on into this exciting future, the choir will undoubtedly play an increasingly more significant role as a vehicle for the Holy Spirit at LCI and in the community of Davis at large.


If you enjoy singing or ringing and are interested in participating, we'd love to have you join us.  We take our responsibility of providing music for worship at LCI very seriously, and your commitment to this vital ministry will help us to lead the congregation forward into the future that God has laid out for us.  While this responsibility requires a significant time commitment, we're sure you will discover that it is more than worth the time spent.  With your help, our music will find its most beautiful expression, filled with the Spirit of God, and I'm sure that this choir will be as much a blessing to you as it has been to me.


Between Labor Day and Memorial Day the choir rehearses on the 2nd and fourth Sunday mornings each month from 11:15 am to 12:15  pm in the Sanctuary. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us.  Take us out for a "test drive" if you'd like.  There are never any auditions, and no experience is required.  All that is needed is a desire to make music.  If you are interested in joining us or have any questions, you may contact Director of Worship & Music, Jeff Schulz, or simply show up for one of our rehearsals.

During the summer, our music ministry invites you to join us for "Instant Choir." Instead of meeting on Thursday evenings to rehearse, we meet before worship at 9:15 am on selected Sundays to learn and rehearse a song that will be sung that day. No auditions required and no commitment expected; simply show up to participate whenever you are available.

Piano Keys
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