1701 Russell Blvd., Davis CA 95616
Office Hours: Wednesdays 9:00am-12:30pm
Social Justice
Our mission is to celebrate faith through service to the community. Our goal is to provide our members opportunities to serve our local and global neighbors and to advocate for social reform and the environment. Annual events include God’s Work our Hands Sunday in September, a Christmas gift collection program to an underserved community, and support of the Davis cold weather shelter and the unsheltered. To deepen our understanding of how our faith intersects with critical issues of social and environmental justice today, we frequently hold discussion sections within our committee on relevant books and electronic media and occasionally sponsor a church wide book study.
For details on our current book discussion or upcoming studies, or if you wish to explore joining us and helping to set our agenda or just wish to join us for a meeting, please contact Ellen Kolarik (pesko@sbcglobal.net) or Marvie Paulson (mpaulson56@comcast.net). Let us know if you wish to receive the link to our monthly meetings on Zoom.
Monthly Ministry Partners (MMP’s)
Each month our congregation lifts up one organization (our Monthly Ministry Partner or MMP) whose mission and goals ally with our own. A short piece about the MMP of the month with an electronic link for donation is circulated in LCI’s twice weekly electronic mailings. A representative for the organization speaks to the congregation during one service of that month. The Social Justice committee creates the monthly calendar in November of the preceding year. Click here to see the 2024 schedule. Click here to download the form to submit an organization for the MMP program for 2025. If you have questions about the Monthly Ministry Partner progam, contact Ellen Kolarik or Marvie Paulson.
Opportunities for Advocacy
Join us on the 3rd Sunday of the month for email and US post letter writing advocating for policies which support social justice including fair housing, nutrition programs, climate mitigation and more. Look for the letter writing table before and after the service which will have information sheets and template letters.
All are invited to sign up for ELCA Advocacy Alerts.
On the right side of the page, toward the top is the Advocacy Alerts box with a blue "Sign Up Now" box. This takes you to a form. You can sign up for the ELCA National Advocacy Network (at the top of the list) and/or the Lutheran Office of Public Policy - California (toward the bottom of the list).
Advocacy in Quarantine is a 30 minute weekly zoom meeting at noon with our Lutheran Office of Public Policy (LOPP) Director Regina Banks. LOPP gives a brief update of the state and federal bills which they are supporting and provides opportunities to send individual letters of support (postal or electronic) to our elected officials. Find the link and learn more about the program here.
Home Building Mission to Mexico
LCI has partnered with Amor Ministries since 1993 to build homes in Tijuana Mexico for families in need. Amor Ministries' primary goal is to provide adequate shelter so that families can stay together and build a foundation for their futures.
Sadly, with the advent of the Covid pandemic, LCI has not been able to send a team to Mexico. However, you can continue to donate to this valuable program by clicking here. Funds are used to purchase building supplies and pay living wage salaries to community members to build the homes as well as to fund other programs which serve the community.