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About Our Church

Reconciling in Christ

We at Lutheran Church of the Incarnation strive to become the living embodiment of Christ by creating a loving, welcoming, and inclusive community.  We acknowledge that as human beings we all fall short in accepting people who are different from ourselves.

Challenged by Christ

We believe we are challenged by Christ to care for, to love, to respect, and to listen to all.  This Affirmation of Welcome includes, but is not limited to race, age, marital or economic status, physical or mental abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, or personal history.

Mysteries of God's Teachings

We struggle to better understand the mysteries of God's teachings and welcome all to join us as we grow together in Christ to witness and serve.  If you wish to learn more about what it means to be a Reconciling in Christ community, we invite you to call and speak with Pastor Dan or visit the web site of Lutherans Concerned / North America.

About Us

LCI is one of 9,500 congregations which make up the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (, locally organized into 215 congregations in northern California and northern Nevada through the Sierra Pacific Synod (  As Lutheran Christians, we celebrate:


  • Jesus Christ

  • Justification by grace through faith

  • The Sacraments of Baptism and Communion

  •  Studying the Bible

  •  Worship as central in our life together

  •  Service to the larger community

  •  The "Priesthood of all Believers"


OK, everything probably made sense until you got to the "Priesthood of All Believers," right?  What does this mean?  At Incarnation, it means we are seeking to be a community of faith which welcomes and celebrates the gifts of all kinds of people.  Gifts, you may ask?  Yes, gifts – the gifts and abilities we believe we have been given to use every day to God’s glory.  We believe it isn’t just "the pastor’s job" to offer ministry – it’s the job of all of us! 


If you would like to learn more about how LCI is celebrating the gifts of its members and friends, look at the many ministries we offer.  None of these ministries could happen without the efforts and talents of people who are willing to share their gifts.


We’re glad you stopped by, and hope your visit will be a way to discover more about our community of faith.  If you have any difficulty finding the information you’re looking for, or if you’d like more information than the website can provide, please feel free to e-mail Pastor Dan.  We are located in Davis on the northwest corner of Russell Boulevard and Arthur Street, just west of Highway 113.  Click here for a map and directions to LCI.

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