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News & Events


From the pastor…

December 2024


It is December and a new Church Year has begun – happy new year!  During the season of Advent, the church focuses on the future, on the anticipation of the coming Christ child, and the return of Christ at the end of time.  These are all themes that might feel strange or other-worldly to some of us, but there is something very concrete and essential about Advent’s most basic theme: hope.  At a time of great concern about everything from the economy to politics to faith itself and what it means, it is important simply to remind ourselves that we are not in charge; that the future is in God’s hands – and for that reason it is secure.  Perhaps it is most helpful at time like this to be curious: to wonder faithfully what is happening in our world, what we need to learn, and how we can be part of what God is doing to mend what has become torn and broken.  The world can be different than it is, and you and I can be part of making it so.  


We continue our tradition of Wednesday evening soup suppers and Holden Evening Prayer together with Davis Lutheran starting this evening (6:00 at LCI); please join us!  Note the new times for Christmas Eve worship: 3:00pm and 5:00pm – invite a neighbor or friend to be with us as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I continue to pray for you all as part of our church family.  As always, I am available for pastoral care if you need – just send me an email to set up a visit, and I wish you your family God’s richest blessing for Advent and Christmas.


Blessings from the manger,

Pastor Dan



From the pastor…

November 2024


Well, election night is over, and no doubt many of us are having strong feelings… I want to reassure all church members that I am available to you as pastor for a visit or to talk if you need.  Our sanctuary at LCI will be open from 5:30-7:00 this evening for those who need time for prayer, and I will be in my office during that time if you feel the need to drop in.  The labyrinth at St. Martin’s Episcopal (640 Hawthorn Dr.) will be open at 5:00pm with candles.  Otherwise I will continue my ministry of preaching, teaching and pastoral care, and the church will continue to bear witness to the good news of Jesus Christ.  There will no doubt be a lot of soul searching about where we stand as a nation and a local community and what the reality of a second Trump term will mean.  However, this congregation and this facility is a safe space – we are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, and we will continue to boldly welcome all people regardless of race, gender, culture, language or sexual identity to worship with us and to discover God’s love in Jesus Christ.  I cannot endorse candidates or parties, but I am willing to discuss these issues if you like.  Join us on Sunday morning (11/10) at 9:00am for an excellent study on faith and civic life – the second of two classes about a new social statement being proposed by the ELCA.  


I will always believe that what we have in common is more important than what separates us, and that our mission as the church is to unite all things in Christ (Ephesians 1:10).  We need healing as a nation – to talk to each other across ideological divides, the kind that is only possible when we recognize that we are all created in God’s image, and every human being deserves compassion and respect.  This election is another wake up call, but also an opportunity to bear witness to God’s grace, and to embody that grace in service to our neighbor.  May God guide our efforts in Christ’s name.  Peace and Blessings to you all, dear friends, I will be praying for you and for the church; let’s stay rooted in the hope of baptism, which comes to us by the Holy Spirit. 


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Dan


From the pastor… 

October 2024


It’s stewardship season; the time in the church when we assess our time, talents and treasure, and how we put them to work for the ministry of the gospel.  Money, like politics or religion, is often seen as one of those “taboo” topics, but it doesn’t have to be.  In fact, money is just like the rest of life: it’s part of God’s good creation, and stewardship – the faithful management of what God has entrusted to our care – is one way that we can show our faithfulness.  In our stewardship ministry, we like to emphasize the giftedness of all creation, including the gift of life itself.  As Martin Luther says, God has given us possessions to “use, enjoy and share with others”.  It is not a competition, but there is joy in letting go and giving back: it is a blessing to others and also to ourselves.

You have already heard a couple temple talks from church members Chris Bruhn and Paul Kolarik about giving, and how it has been a joyous experience in their lives (thanks you Chris and Paul!).  There will be a special stewardship message on October 13, and “Commitment Sunday” will be October 20, where members and friends will offer estimate of giving cards to share (confidentially) what each of us intends to give in 2025.  There will also be an assessment of time and talents to share how you plan to be involved in the ministries of our church.

Our theme this year is “Signs of your gracious love”, as in the well-known offering prayer from our liturgy.  There is a special emphasis this year on taking responsibility.  What is the ministry you are called to in baptism, and what aspect of our ministry will you take responsibility for in light of that?  Your commitments are a prayerful and reflective answer to those questions.  We are holding cottage meetings in members’ homes this year to share our thoughts and feelings about our experience and our ministry at LCI.  I want to thank those who are hosting these meetings, and to all who will attend.  Lastly, I want to express my appreciate to each of you in joining my family and me in committing your time, talent and treasure to our common mission in Christ’s name.  As always, I am available to answer questions, and for pastoral care, just reach out by email to schedule a visit or to let me know how I can support you.  


Many blessings in Christ,

Pastor Dan


From the pastor…

September 2024


September is probably my favorite month of the year; the weather starts to turn cool and crisp, fall colors can be seen in the trees, students are back in school, and programs are back in session in many other areas of life (and of course for football fans like me, it’s that time of year…). Perhaps seasonal changes matter to us because they reflect the seasons of our lives.  Autumn is special because it has that odd but interesting paradox of moving us toward winter, a time of cold and darkness, but with the hope for something new – whether it's a school year, a fall sport, or a program year or activity at a church, club or other group we’re involved in.  We look forward in life, while always being reminded of the changing nature of life itself.  As Christians, there is always reason to look forward with hope, no matter our circumstances, the season of our life or what’s happening in the world around us.  Each of us has something important to contribute to the common good as God’s children.  As we begin another program year at LCI, we gather in worship to ground and center ourselves on God’s word, the sacraments and the gift of community – simply being members in the body of Christ.  In all things, I pray that you know God’s blessings and grace, and that we could come together as one body in Christ Jesus.  


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Dan 


From the pastor…
August 2024

We are moving toward the end of summer. Our worship texts for this month focus on Jesus as the bread of life, and God’s eucharistic presence among us – in Holy Communion and in all of creation. It is a reminder to us of God’s presence among us in the real world, and of our calling to live a life of service to our neighbors in need. Many of you are returning back from vacation and thinking about getting back in the “swing” of whatever fall program we may be part of: school, work, church or other activities. Among other things, we look forward to God’s Work, our Hands (GWOH) Sunday on September 8, a day of service throughout the ELCA. Our Social Justice ministry leaders are working on projects that will help serve those in need in our community. We hope you can be with us in worship, with our day of service to follow. Sign-ups will be in the narthex, and T-shirt orders are due this week (see notice in today’s Wed update for more info). Otherwise we plan to kick off our program year on Sep. 22 at 10:00am, as we re-introduce Rooted, our family-oriented worship service. Our worship team is working hard on music, and there will be creative engagement with our Bible readings and themes for that day. Join us, and invite a friend or neighbor! Lastly, we have said goodbye to our Pastoral Intern, Rob Williamson – please keep Rob in your prayers as he looks for a call to his own parish, and special thanks to all who supported Rob and the internship program. It is truly inspiring to “raise up” a pastor of the church! As always, I am available for pastoral care calls or visits, you can reach me at my email or by text.

See you in church!
Pastor Dan





From the pastor ...

June 2024


It’s June, and we look ahead to vacation season – many of us will be travelling, visiting friends and family and/or touring interesting places.  It is important to take time away with loved ones, to “disconnect”, and “re-create” in God’s good creation.  I wish you all a blessed and safe time of vacation and safe travels.  This year promises to be stressful, as we face a unique general election, so it is all the more important to stay grounded in reality and work together as God’s people to serve our community.  

Just this week I advocated at the State Capitol with CA Interfaith Power and Light for public policy that reflects God’s care for creation and for the “least of these”.  These included a ban on plastic bags, a “Climate Bond” – to help underserved communities, as well as a Constitutional amendment to our state constitution to provide safe and clean drinking water, air (ACA-16).  These priorities are called for in recent ELCA social statements, and the Bible calls us to be stewards and caretakers the planet, and to help those who struggle (note that I am happy to meet with church members and discuss these further if you are interested).  As we face climate emergencies, including extreme heat and weather events, it is critical that we stay grounded, connected to one another and to reality.  Amidst all the bad news in our nation and world, there actually is some good news: U.S. carbon emissions actually dropped in 2023 (in spite of it being the warmest year on record for our planet) and that is largely because of California’s leadership.  

As church, we continue to bear witness to God’s “justice and peace in all the earth”, as we minister to a troubled world.  This is a power we feel also in our own hearts and bodies, as God’s Spirit creates us anew in baptism.  I wish you for you all this saving and renewing power during this season of Sabbath, and I look forward to seeing you soon in worship.  


In Christ,

Pastor Dan



Join us Friday June 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Bobby Jo Valentine Concert

to find out more about Bonny Jo Valentine click here.



From the pastor...

May 2024


We are in the month of May, and this year that includes Pentecost Sunday, on May 19.  That is the day the Spirit moved through the first disciples in Jerusalem and caused them to speak in many different languages, signaling that they were to bring the good news of Jesus to all the world; all peoples, languages, ethnicities and cultures.  It is a powerful sign that our faith is truly trans-cultural, and all people, no matter who they are or what they look like, can come to saving faith in Jesus.  As is our tradition, we are looking for people to participate in a multi-lingual reading – please let me know if you speak a foreign language and would like to help.  On Pentecost Sunday, we will also welcome new members to our congregation, so please join us to welcome them to our community and introduce yourself.  It is a mighty thing to watch and feel the Spirit of God stir – I am grateful to all of you for what you offer our church family in terms of time, talent and treasure.  I continue to hold you all in prayer, that you know the welcoming and grounding grace of God in your lives.


Many blessings in Christ,

Pastor Dan



From the pastor...

April 2024 


Happy Easter to everyone, and blessings to you all for a renewing and uplifting season celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!  Sometimes it is wise simply to stop and give thanks for all of God’s gifts and goodness to us.  This Holy Week and Easter were extra special, as we celebrated our first ever Easter Vigil, in addition to our usual services.  Many thanks to all who made the week special; who helped plan, prepare, set up and clean up.  You are a reminder to the enduring presence of God and the hope that is ours in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.  You continue to be in my prayers; please know that I am available for pastoral care if you need.  Please join us for the Membership Class starting next week if you are interested.  Otherwise I wish for you all the blessings of the Risen Christ.  He is Risen!


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Dan





From the pastor… 

March 2024


As I write this, it’s “Super Tuesday”, when many people will vote for candidates for state and federal office.  We are living through a difficult time as a community, a nation and a world, with deep divisions along ideological and partisan lines.  General election seasons are always difficult and stressful; it’s part of living in a robust democracy, although this year feels especially strained for a variety of important reasons.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer once suggested that our ethical task as the church is to be a responsible community.  This has special meaning for us in Lent, as we continue our wilderness journey in preparation for Holy Week and Easter.  We are called to be Christ’s presence for others, which is especially meaningful when the world around us seems dry and barren, and we may feel especially lost or scared.  It is especially in those moments that we need to hear the promise of Easter.  It is a difficult time to be church, but keep in mind that God is ultimately in charge.  God has the final word, about our lives and about the world he created – and it is a word of good news!  Let us continue to pray for the wellbeing of our country and our world, to seek God and understand how we should serve as part of our baptismal calling.  Please know that I am thinking of you in this holy season and holding you all in prayer, and I am available for a pastoral care visit if you need one.


Lenten Blessings,

Pastor Dan





From the pastor…

January  3, 2024


We have entered a new year, 2024, which promises to be … interesting.  As a general election year, there are stressors that many of us can expect, especially in our extremely polarized political landscape, where many Americans feel like they cannot even talk to each other.  Challenging times like these prompt us to remember what our faith is all about; as I heard someone say recently, Christians are “prisoners to hope”.  We are rooted in the good news that God has revealed himself in the most unlikely of places: in the cross, which was an ancient torture device on which the Son of God was placed, in order to end his ministry and message about God’s reign.  It didn’t work.  Jesus’ followers carried on with his message, and his life, death and resurrection are a real promise to us of the hope that comes despite the presence of darkness, sin and evil in our world.  And while those are real forces that we need to be honest about, there is nothing and nobody that can take away true hope from those of us who are baptized into Christ.  At the same time, as we are committed to God’s grace and mercy, which bind us into one, we must be equally as committed to God’s justice as outlined repeatedly in Scripture; that includes caring for and advocating for the “least of these” – those who are poor, destitute and lost or hurting in mind, body or spirit.  Let’s keep that in mind as we look ahead to what are likely to be tense conversations with friends and family and important discussions about our fundamental values as a country.  We have the opportunity to share Christ’s light with all of God’s children, and to bear witness to God’s goodness in creation.  In other words, our hope lies in God’s word, in the sacraments of Baptism and Communion, and in the fellowship of our faith, not in the outcome of any given election.  That does not mean that all policies, positions or candidates are equal, but it does reframe what has become seemingly intractable divisions.  At least a church, we are all one in Christ Jesus – that’s what truly matters.  And we minister to a fallen world that is redeemed by God’s love.  


See you in church!

Pastor Dan




Life at LCI – Summer 2021


Dear Friends in Christ,

It’s been a long, difficult 18 months: enduring multiple lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, worshiping from our homes; as well as having work, school and family life turned upside down.  Things are finally looking up and we as your LCI leaders want to communicate about policies and plans for the coming months regarding the use of our facility and how we plan to shape our community life in terms of worship. 


  1. In general, the LCI facility is now open for use again; it is our expectation that if you are present on campus you are fully vaccinated.  If you are partially vaccinated or are not vaccinated for whatever reason, we expect you to wear a mask over your mouth and nose.

  2. If you are using or renting space, it is expected that you clean up after yourself.

  3. If you are sick or have COVID symptoms, we ask that you stay away.  We encourage you to get tested to be extra safe.  Healthy Davis Together continues to offer testing at no cost.  Residents of neighboring communities have also been able to test at the same Healthy Davis locations.


In terms of our worship life, we have progressed during the pandemic from worship at home, to drive-in worship (in the parking lot), to in person worship on the West Lawn, and several Sundays with worship in the Fellowship Hall due to adverse weather. 


Since Yolo County and State restrictions have been lifted we feel it is now safe to begin worshiping indoors on a more permanent basis with certain restrictions.  So, unless you hear otherwise, worship will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30am on Sunday mornings.  The same masking rules apply as described above, although if you are sitting inside for worship, we will ask you to wear a mask even if you are vaccinated.  This is a courtesy to protect those who cannot yet be vaccinated, such as children.  We also ask that you please maintain social distancing wherever possible.  There will be seating available on the patio for those who would prefer to sit outside.  We also continue to offer a livestream on our YouTube channel at 9:30am for those who cannot be with us in person.


In August, the Council will take up as a matter of policy some details related to facility use, including food service for receptions. We are also considering changes to our communion practices, to once again distribute communion.  Until then, we will continue using the single-serve communion kits. Finally, we plan to provide coffee and tea fellowship after worship later this summer, although we will need additional volunteer support to accomplish this.


Thank you for your continuing support, understanding and prayers in this difficult season. 


In Christ,

Pastor Dan Smith and the LCI Executive Committee





Sanctuary Renovation Update

April 24, 2021


Dear LCI Members and Friends,


Our Sanctuary Renovation has commenced! Bill Green, David Peart and Nadia Wade, along with a few volunteers, have begun on the demolition of certain elements in the sanctuary: the entry wall, the carpet and the platform at the front. It is exciting to see the project finally underway! Thank you all for your support and prayers. Special items in the space are being handled with care. The next step is to have the concrete flooring ground down to prepare for its final treatment by Mike Miller, a concrete artist we have engaged (aka “the Concretist”). Special thanks also to Ed Green, who has agreed to lead the Sanctuary Renovation Task Force at the request of the Council, and is doing an outstanding job in helping us complete this important project.


As a reminder, we are a little over halfway through the capital campaign season, which was conducted in fall of 2019 was designed to run through the calendar years 2020-21. That means we have about 8 months left, so don’t forget your pledges! If you are able to complete your pledges early that will better help us assess what we are able to complete. If your financial situation has changed, or you are unable to complete your pledge, please be in touch with Damian Genetos, Financial Secretary ( If you were not here for the capital campaign, you are more than welcome to contribute; simply designate your gifts to “sanctuary renovation”. More information about the sanctuary renovation project will be presented at our Congregation Electing Meeting on Sunday, May 16. There will be an opportunity between now and then to tour the space and get a feel for what it looks like as we take our first steps on this renewal journey, so stay tuned for more information. As always, we invite your ongoing prayers for our congregation during this important time.



Pastor Dan






Pastoral Letter: Events of January 6, 2021


Dear LCI Family,

We all watched in horror yesterday as the U.S. Capitol building was breached during the usual quadrennial ceremony of counting electoral votes for president.  Four people have died after violence erupted.  Senators and Congresspeople were evacuated, although gratefully they later convened to complete their task.  Joe Biden will be inaugurated as our next President, and Kamala Harris as Vice President on January 20, 2021.


Sometimes it is difficult to believe our eyes.  How could this be happening in our country, the United States of America, a beacon of liberty, democracy and the Rule of Law for the rest of the world, especially with such an apparent lack of security and preparedness for such an event??  We are no doubt filled with questions, some of which are easy to answer, others of which are more complicated.  In any case, it is entirely appropriate that all who broke the law – whether by causing violence or by inciting it - be held accountable for their actions and for their words, which have real world consequences. 


What is the church’s role in all this?  We are witnesses to God’s justice and mercy for the world in Jesus Christ.  Both matter.  It is essential that we both speak – and accept – the truth; that we learn to listen to one another and accept difficult truths; and most of all that we have compassion on our fellow Christians and on our fellow citizens.  Jesus said his followers were to be “salt, light and leaven”, to bring about God’s reign in the world.  The violence we saw yesterday was not God’s reign – clearly, although the resolve of our civil servants of both parties – to continue late into the night was laudable, and a sign of government, duly ordained by God to protect and serve human communities so they can worship, work and play freely. 


As Christians, we are called to speak a word of hope in the midst of despair; light in darkness, and to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world.  Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to do as God’s people, but I invite you to pray for our nation, which is deeply divided and wounded, and for the incoming Biden administration.  I also encourage you to reach out to those you care for, to let them know you love them; and find a way to be caring to your neighbors, to share Christ’s light.  I don’t know what the future holds, but I believe God’s people are always called to love their neighbor as God has first loved us in Christ Jesus. That is what it means to share Christ’s light in the midst of a dark and fallen world. 


As you do this, know that I am thinking of you and praying for each of you, even as I pray for this nation, the state of California, our wider region, the Sacramento area, the City of Davis and the neighborhood where God has planted us.  May we find a way to be the Body of Christ at 1701 Russell Blvd, and may each of find a way to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ as we seek also to be faithful citizens of this one nation, under God.


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Dan Smith






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