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Stewardship downloadable information sheets:


Time and Abilities Sheet


Proportionate Giving Guide


Growth Steps Giving Guide


Estimate of Giving Sheet


Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions on stewardship:

  • Who has access to my financial estimate of giving?


Only the pastor, the stewardship chairperson, and the financial secretary have access to estimate of giving cards.


  • Can I change my estimate of giving during the year?


You may change your estimate of giving at anytime during the year by notifying the stewardship chairperson or the financial secretary, Marcia Holmes.


  • Why give an estimate of giving?


Each year your congregational council strives to exercise financial fiduciary oversite, using past history and current estimate of giving, along with the budget to guide them in overseeing expenditures.


  • What happens to my Time and Abilities sheet?


Like financial gifts, gifts of time and abilities are not open ended but are for the coming calendar year. It is important that individuals know there is a beginning and an ending to their commitments of time and abilities. Each year, the congregational leaders responsible for the various ministries of the church are given the list of volunteers and their commitments for that area of ministry. They, in turn, use these sheets to populate their ministry needs.


  • Can I give electronically?


Yes! You can go to our web site and go directly to the “Donate” tab. That will allow you to use either PayPal or credit card. It will also allow you to make this a monthly donation. Or if you bank electronically, you may set
up an automatic payment through your checking account, thus avoiding monthly fees.

Giving electronically is a great asset in becoming a First fruit giver. It helps us develop a discipline of giving both off the top, and on a regular basis.


Questions on proportionate giving:


  • One question often asked of proportionate giving is “Is that on net or gross income, before or after taxes?” 


The answer is: “It doesn’t matter.”  Either method works.  This is a gift for you not a mandate. The transformational power of this gift is that we can honestly see what proportion of our annual income we intentionally return to God. There is a joy that comes when our offering is understood as returning to God a proportion of what God has given us, instead of paying bills. There is a freedom to enjoy the remainder of our blessings having intentionally returned to God a first fruit proportionate gift.


The question is like the one that the lawyer in Luke 12 asks Jesus (Who is my neighbor?). Making an intentional choice to begin proportionate giving is what matters. Once we begin, we have a basis from which to grow.


  • Also frequently asked is “Do I need to tithe (10%)?


The answer once again is: It doesn’t matter.”  Begin where you are.  Regarding tithing, some do, others don’t. For some, it is a goal for which they strive. For others, it has become the base from which they grow. For still others, it simply doesn’t enter into their calculations. 


Once we make 10% an absolute requirement, we have moved dangerously close to self-righteousness.
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Cor 9:7


More importantly: discover what your percentage is, start there, and grow as you are led by the Spirit. 


Questions on Growth Giving:


  • What is Growth Giving?

Here is where I am...Here is where I would like to be...

How do I get there from here? Growth giving is the practices of starting with what you already are doing and growing towards where you would like to be or to where you think God wants you to be.

There are two methods that the church uses to help us grow in our faith and in our giving. One method, for those who are already proportionate givers, is to increase the proportion you give by 1% of your annual income each
year, until you reach your goal. 


See the “Growth Steps Giving Guide” for additional info.


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